WINEPREFIX="/home/dlk/.turbotax-2019" /usr/bin/wine C:\\windows\\command\\start.exe /Unix /home/dlk/.turbotax-2019/dosdevices/c\:/users/dlk/Start\ Menu/Programs/TurboTax\ Business\ 2019/TurboTax\ Business\ 2019.Prepare and e-File these 2021 Tax Forms by April 18, 2022. Wine should create desktop shortcuts in the customery locations on your system. This command can be used to start it from the command line. TurboTax should start after the installation is complete.

WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=~/.turbotax-2019 wine Downloads/w_turbotax_bpm_ WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=~/.turbotax-2019 winetricks settings ddr=gdi TurboTax will not run properly unless the Direct Draw Render is set to GDI:.Set version to Windows 10 on the "Applications" tab WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=~/.turbotax-2019 winecfg The TurboTax installer complains if the installation is run on what it thinks is a Windows 7 system It will not complain if the Wine prefix being used is configured as a Windows 10 system:.WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=~/.turbotax-2019 winetricks -q dotnet48

Net is preinstalled using winetricks.Net 4.8 is the latest available version and it works: Net 4.6.2 but it fails and the installation process abends.

Not being able to apply updates or to produce state tax returns renders this software unusable under Wine in my opinion. TurboTax was able to perform other functions that required an internet connection, however, so I know that network connectivity itself was not the problem.Īfter downloading it separately, I was unable to run the state forms installer manually. TurboTax complained about "unexpected content received" when attempting to connect. I was unable to connect to the update server to download updates or to download the state tax forms for my state. I was able to produce a federal tax return for a trust and print it out, i.e., a Form 1041 and the associated Schedule K-1.